“Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb. That’s where the fruit is.”

There Is A Different Way To Live

Live Conscious. This is something we can all do. When we make living consciously our daily practice we free ourselves from conflict and negative self-talk. When we live consciously we live wisely, think deeply, and love generously. We invite you to slow down—read our blogs, join our webinars, take advantage of our private consultations and online courses, and join us on one of our week-long retreats where we all learn to live and love better.

a direct path to happiness


OUR LIVE ONLINE CLASSES RUN FOR 21 DAYS. They include four weekly sessions conducted via Zoom. Each class is 60-75 minutes. We limit the number of participants to twenty so that everyone receives personal attention. And we use a “buddy” system, pairing you up with a practice partner.

How We Make Meaning

Although our courses can be taken in any order, this is our foundational course, in which we share a new psychological model that teaches you how to shift your level of consciousness. You’ll learn how to distinguish between threats to your body and threats to your identity, how to speak in such a way that you calm your nervous system and empower yourself, and finally, how to change the meaning of events in your life so that you become the author of your life.

Thrilled to BE Alive

This course is a thrill – not in the sense of being on a roller coaster, but by helping you wake up to the wondrous aspects of your life and disconnect from the chaotic buzz that makes you feel overwhelmed. Most of us have so much for which to be grateful, but we forget. This course is a reminder, with specific tools, mindfulness practices, and daily emails you use to reorient yourself and open your heart.

The Power of Awe

Awe is an emotion that carries us beyond our typical experience of the world to the point of amazement. In this course, we teach you to build your awe muscle, which lubricates your nervous system so you feel calm, reconnects you with the miracle of being alive, and is available to you all the time. We teach a simple, clinically proven practice that reduces depression and anxiety while improving well-being and mindfulness.

Our Latest Articles and Advice

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Learn To Work With Your 3 Emotional States

Learn To Work With Your 3 Emotional States

Would you like to live in alignment with yourself so that no matter what’s going on around you . . . you stay connected to yourself and honor yourself? If so, read on, because there is a way to live without all of the emotional ups and downs. These up and down cycles,...

The Power of Awe

The Power of Awe

Maybe you don’t need to sit on your meditation cushion longer or more often. Maybe you don’t need to learn how to self soothe. Maybe you don’t need to work on unresolved issues from childhood. Or, maybe you do. I don’t know, but I do know that if you start developing...

 9 Keys To Improve Your Communications

 9 Keys To Improve Your Communications

We—Hannah and Jake Eagle—have continuously discovered, developed, and practiced methods to enhance our partnership for the past thirty years. The result is that our relating has become easier and lighter, yet more profound, humorous, and loving. At this point,...

How To Reinvent Yourself

How To Reinvent Yourself

During the summer of 2021, Shawn Marshall put together a conference called Reinvent Yourself. He invited 21 speakers to participate. This is a recording of Shawn’s conversation with Jake Eagle, in which Jake introduces four models: How to design your life around your...



“Who hears the rippling of rivers will not utterly despair of anything”.  Henry David Thoreau. I was recently asked to share why I’m joyful most of the time. So, I’ve spent some time reflecting on that. I’m aware that some people may be...

Simple Solutions for Complex Personal Problems

Simple Solutions for Complex Personal Problems

I’ve always been interested in finding simple solutions to complex problems. I’ll use an example from politics to illustrate my point, and then I’ll come back and show you how you can apply this idea in your own life—making one change that can vastly improve...