Author Archive | Jake Eagle

Must Our Histories Cast a Shadow on Love?

Can love really be easy? Can relationships be easy? Or do our darker sides, our shadows, that are born out of neglect, abuse, or lack of nurturance early in life—result in us having to work hard to love and be loved? Do our early life emotional deficits—as well as rejection and failed relationships later in […]

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A New Kind of New Year’s Resolution—part II

Resolutions (decisions, commitments, agreements) made in heart consciousness are easy to fulfill; that’s why they’re likely to last beyond January 12th. Heart consciousness is a state of mind that comes about as we practice appreciation and gratitude. It’s more or less that simple. I say, “more or less” because, looking at it from safety consciousness, […]

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What does it take to live with an open heart?

Is it possible to live with an open heart—in heart consciousness—all the time? That depends on two things. For the past two or three years, we’ve been introducing the idea that there are different levels of consciousness. We’ve identified three levels: safety consciousness, heart consciousness, and spacious consciousness. If you’re not familiar with them, you […]

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Microdosing Mindfulness

Stretching time Imagine if you could s-t-r-e-t-c-h time. How would you feel if you had more time every day? Evidence suggests you’d be more present and patient, have more meaningful experiences, and spend more of your time volunteering to help other people. If that idea appeals to you, the question becomes, how do you stretch […]

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Illustration of Thai monk sweeping leaf

The Answer To These Troubled Times

Do you believe in “channels”? I’m not talking about television stations, but the idea that spirits, voices, entities, can come through us and communicate information. I never have. But that didn’t stop me from channeling the following message last night. The voice was clear, and so insistent that I had to get out of bed […]

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