"I believe the very purpose of life is to learn to be happy in an imperfect world."— His Holiness the Dali Lama

Take One Small Step Toward Happiness

wwtbh-cover-new-largeThe title of this short booklet is: Why Wait To Be Happy? Well, the answer is that you don’t have to wait. If you take certain steps in your life and you learn how to create sustainable loving relationships—happiness, and maybe more importantly, contentment, can be yours.

We offer you a simple roadmap for what we each can do to heal ourselves, mature ourselves, and accept ourselves so that we can be happy and content.

Based on the teachings of Caltech psychology professor John Weir, PhD and his wife Joyce, more than fifty years ago, Reology is the current-day evolution of a revolutionary way to live more consciously by learning to re-center yourself every time you speak.

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 An excerpt from Why Wait To Be Happy?

We all want to be happy, to love, and be loved, and live meaningful lives. Yet an awful lot of us aren’t satisfied and don’t have sustainable, loving relationships. Instead, we live in discord and disharmony—sometimes with the people we say we love. Too many of us are in emotional pain, feeling overwhelmed, and suffering from confusion, internal conflicts, and depression.

Why is this the case? Why are we, smart people—who have so much in so many ways—unsatisfied with our lives and relationships? One reason is that most of us never had someone model or teach us how to love, to be loved, and to find and pursue our passions. And there are other reasons, too.

Reology has identified three primary causes that contribute to our unhappiness. Together, they create what we call The Anxiety Cycle—an endless cycle of anxiety that feeds on itself and creates more anxiety. When we’re stuck in this cycle, happiness eludes us.

Absolutely FREE—download the digital edition of “Why Wait To Be Happy?”

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