Tag Archives | Identity

How To Free Yourself — part III

Do you want to free yourself? In part 1 of this article I asked if you want to break past the obstacles that are in your way. I suggested that to move beyond old obstacles it helps to ask yourself three key questions. The reason these key questions are so powerful is because—if you answer […]

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How to Free Yourself — part II

Do you want to change some of your behaviors? In part 1 of this article I asked if you want to break past the obstacles that are in your way. I suggested that to move past old obstacles it helps to ask yourself three key questions. The reason these key questions are so powerful is […]

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How To Free Yourself — part I

Do you want to break free of old obstacles? If you are like most of the people I work with, you’re self-aware and smart. Even so, you have certain obstacles in your life that hold you back. And often, these obstacles aren’t new—it’s the same old things that hold you back. If you want to […]

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How to stop being judgmental

Are we born judgmental beings, or at birth are we pure and pristine—trusting and open? I often hear people talk about wanting to get back to the state they think they were born in, before they became judgmental and fearful. But did such a state exist? My belief is that such an open, receptive, loving […]

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What Is Your Essence?

If you weren’t molded by your parents during the first three to four years of your life, who would you be today?   If you ponder this vital question—and answer it with just one word—you will find your essence. The answer is not that you were pure and perfect before your were influenced by others. […]

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Silhouette of father and little daughter learning to walk at sunset beach

The Key To Happiness

The Grant Study began in 1938, tracking a  group of 268 students at Harvard University, and these students have now been observed and interviewed over nine decades. The results are quite revealing and inspiring. Dr. George Vaillant is the storyteller of the study and the “curator” of these men’s lives. What he shares about his […]

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Goethe quote

Goethe Quotes —— I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. I possess tremendous power to make a life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument […]

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How to Individuate | Step Three

The final stage in the process of individuation is reconnecting with the person you individuated from and interacting with them without losing yourself. This is not always possible. But you won’t know until you go through the stages of declaring and separating, which I previously wrote about. This final stage involves making new agreements, but […]

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How To Individuate | Step Two

This post explores how to individuate by taking the second step in the three step process. In an earlier post I wrote generally about the individuation process. I identified three stages: Declaring Separating Reconnecting I’ve written about declaring, and now I want to address the next step, separating. How To Individuate: Step Two To separate […]

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