Author Archive | S. Katharine Rivers


How NOT to Apologize

“I sincerely, sincerely apologize, what can I say? I make mistakes.” The above quote is one of many by Toronto’s Mayor, Rob Ford. Even before he was elected mayor he was apologizing for his bad behavior, and since he’s become mayor it’s more frequent. Since May of 2013, it’s been happening pretty regularly. And in […]

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The Two Best Affirmations

I question the idea that all I have to do is repeat a few select affirmations and my life will change for the better. Actually, I don’t buy it. I recently read an article in Elephant Journal that describes the positive effects of “Trite, New-Agey Affirmations.” In the article the author explores extensive scientific evidence […]

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Healing Yourself by Integrating Yourself

In the Live Conscious model we hear a great deal about integration. The definition of integration is: to combine, amalgamate, merge, unite, fuse, blend, incorporate. The antonym of integration is separation. When we live a more integrated life we experience greater equanimity, harmony and balance. So the question is “how do we integrate ourselves?” We […]

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Finding Yourself – A Love Story

Finding yourself is a journey Finally, one perfect day in early July, I arrive in northern New Mexico with comfortable clothes, a journal, sunscreen, a jacket for cool nights, and rain gear. I’m aware that I’m carrying my interior baggage as well—hoping that someone will be heavier than I, uglier, older, more insecure, more anxious, […]

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